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Thank you for your interest in running for office as a Libertarian. Every election cycle, the Libertarian Party has hundreds of candidates on ballots across America. By running for office, you give liberty a voice and voters a choice.

You can start things off by signing up below and we’ll be in touch with you shortly!


Be Bold.


Stand up for Freedom.


Make Liberty Happen.

Candidate workbook

This workbook walks candidates through building a campaign plan from the very first step through to election day. It's a fill in the blank style so even absolute beginners can easily understand each step.

online training

The LNC periodically schedules online training with candidates to help identify areas to strengthen their campaign.

Regional In person training

Half day or full day training for candidates or campaign staff is offered at many state conventions. This training is tailored to the specific needs of the state affiliate. Please contact your state chair for additional information.

Voter Gravity

The LNC provides a discounted rate to access Voter Gravity. This tool comes with the data campaigns need and the ability to manage it so campaigns can use its precious resources in the most effective way.

Candidate Website Templates

The LNC is has developed a candidate website template that offers variations of pre-branded layouts to accelerate your online presence. You can purchase the template in our online store by clicking here.

Libertarian Frontier Project

This project targets resources, assistance, and talent on winning state legislative seats and local offices.

Regional Trainings

The program is an intensive, in-person, introductory course held on weekends to familiarize Libertarian candidates and staff with the basic elements of running a political campaign.

Give Liberty A Voice

If you're interested in running, we're interested in talking with you. We'll support you, but first we need you to GO FOR IT.

(And you'll get an essential candidate workbook right after signing up!)

Your Personal Information

Your Run for Office

What year are you planning on running?
If you are unsure, please write 'unknown'
Briefly let us know any key information
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